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VisualRoute Server

VisualRoute server is a built-in web server engine that provides access to the connectivity test and performance test via the browser. This enables VisualRoute to be deployed in a secure DMZ deployment outside a corporate firewall if needed.

The VisualRoute web server does not require any third party web server software such as IIS or Apache, although Apache or IIS can easily be used as a front end web server if desired, and be deployed on the same physical system or a separate system.

There are two places to access the VisualRoute server settings. The first is in the tools menu and the second is in the main VisualRoute GUI. Both are marked in the image below:

By clicking either of these two options you will see the VisualRoute server settings dialog shown below:

To choose the settings for the VisualRoute server click the preferences button, as shown in the image above.

The preferences dialog is split up into three key tabs:

Server Administration

1. Server settings

The server settings section is where the IP address and port number are set that the VisualRoute server will run on. For example

The maximum number of concurrent users permitted is used to limit the number of users that can perform traces at one time. The default is 50.

The number of traces box is to set the number of traces that each client is permitted to perform, and the time period over which the restriction lasts. Enter 0 as the number of traces to allow users unlimited access.

2. Access Control List (ACL)

The Access Control List is used to define which IP addresses are allowed to use the server. By default all IP addresses are allowed (the full - entry already shown in the image above).

There are four access settings to choose from:

  • Deny - Deny access.
  • Trace - Permitted only to trace back to themselves.
  • Full - Full access.
  • Super - Permitted access beyond the max users setting above.

By clicking the add button, shown in the image above, you will be able to specify a single IP address or IP address range and then choose the access setting required for that IP/IP range.

Server Security

1. Server Security

Allow user to trace to private address ranges - This option allows users to trace to internal IP addresses (for example 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x) using the server. This could potentially allow a hacker to map out an internal network, hence it is not checked by default.

Use the client's IP address as the data portion of all ping packets sent from this server - This option includes the server user's IP address in the data portion of every ICMP packet sent from the VisualRoute server. This means any excessive use or abuse can easily be tracked to the user responsible.

Allow the client to request a port probe of a remote host - This option allows a user to choose a specific port to probe for a trace route.

Web admin password - This section allows you to change the admin password for VisualRoute. This password is needed when trying to access the server side administration pages.

2. Restricted hosting by domain

This preference allows you to ensure that your server's applet is hosted only on an authorized web site. Enter the domain names of all authorized sites into the list. If a site is not listed then they will not be able to host your servers applet.

Business Edition

1. VisualRoute Business Edition

This section is used to change the user name and password used to access the server section of VisualRoute. The default user name is admin and the default password is hello.

2. Current users

This section shows any users that are currently logged in to your VisualRoute server. Any user can be disconnected by using the disconnect button, shown in the image above.

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